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The Alltagsmenschen are returning to Wenningstedt on Sylt!

March - October 2024


The town of Wenningstedt on Sylt has almost become a second home for the Alltagsmenschen.
Brand new this year you will also find our everyday people in List!

Exhibition Alltagsmenschen
Sylt 2024

Alltagsmenschen Sylt Wenningstedt. Die 3 Surferinnen

Wenningstedt, Sylt


From March to October 2024 Alltagsmenschen  will again populate the Germans' favorite island this year. A total of 30 sculptures invite you to take a tour of the island.

Mädelsabend 2024


"Mädelsabend" - so lautet der Titel der neuen Arbeit von Laura Lechner und Christel Lechner, die erstmals auf Sylt in Wenningstedt ausgestellt wird.


Mit den fünf feiernden Frauen möchte Laura Lechner die Bedeutung von Freundschaft, Spaß und gemeinsamen Erlebnissen in das Blickfeld des Betrachters rücken.


Die grobe Textur des Betons erzeugt ein Spannungsfeld zwischen Ästhetik und handwerklichem Charme. Details und bewusst erzeugte Unebenheiten lassen die Tanzenden lebendiger erscheinen und vermitteln gleichzeitig eine gewisse Robustheit und Beständigkeit.


Werden auch Sie Teil dieser fröhlichen Gruppe und senden Sie uns Ihren #alltagsmenschenMoment.

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Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler Installation
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler Installation
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Vier Opas auf der Bank Boule
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler mit grauem Jackett und Kappe
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Opas auf der Bank
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler Installation Gesprächsrunde
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler Installation Kugeln aus Beton
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler mit rotem Pullunder
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler aus Beton
Alltagsmenschen Sylt - Boule Spieler Installation Zuschauer

Review 2023


The everyday people actually fit perfectly into the cityscape. But this year, the new concrete figures by artists Laura & Christel Lechner seem to have been made for the island of Sylt.

The Boule group invites viewers to pause for a moment and take a closer look. It is the aura of timelessness, the flair of the everyday and the feeling of deceleration that Laura & Christel Lechner want to bring to life.

"Our works are not meant to be admired from a distance of three metres," reveals Laura Lechner. The same applies to the new sculpture group: touching, circling, interaction and, of course, the odd selfie are not only allowed, but even encouraged.

Alltagsmenschen Sylt - die Sonnenbadende

Flyer with all positions of the


In 2024, you will once again be able to see all the locations of the Everyday People on a virtual map.

As soon as the Wenningstedt-Braderup Tourist Office has created this, we will be happy to inform you about it and link it here.

interactive tour through Wenningstedt with the Alltagsmenschen

Are you looking for the well-known female surfers - the most popular photo opp in 2019 - or the two showers Alltagsmenschen on the pedestal of the main staircase? You might also want to discover the new couch zone or the boat trip . You can find all positions of the Alltagsmenschen in Wenningstedt and List on our interactive maps.


We look forward to you and your most beautiful everyday person moments, which we are happy to show here on the page!

Christel and Laura Lechner -
the artists behind the Alltagsmenschen

Find out more about the artists Christel Lechner and Laura Lechner as well as the Lechnerhof Atelier - the home of all Alltagsmenschen.

Christel Lechner und Laura Lechner. Die Betonkünstlerinnen hinter den Alltagsmenschen

Pictures of the Alltagsmenschen from Eschborn

Your pictures are missing in the gallery? Feel free to email us your #everydaypeopleMoments from Sylt
kontakt@christel-lechner.de so that we can show them here. We look forward to your experiences!

Alltagsmenschen Sylt 2023 | Surferin mit rotem Badeanzug

Mrs. Nicole M.

The Alltagsmenschen are always a wonderful enrichment for Mosbach and they conjure up a smile on your face with their cheerful charisma.

Alltagsmenschen Sylt 2023 | Mann aus Beton mit rotem Pulli und grauer Kappe aus der Boule Gruppe

Mrs. Ursula B.

2 weeks ago I visited your Alltagsmenschen in Mosbach and I am absolutely thrilled. Believe me, my camera did not stand still!!

Alltagsmenschen Sylt 2023 | Die Boule Gruppe auf der Promenade in Wenningstedt

Mr. Martin P.

The joy that you conjured up on the faces of all of us with your sculptures will hopefully return to you.

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