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09. April 2022 – 16. October 2022

An Alltagsmenschen exhibition by the artists Christel & Laura Lechner on the occasion of the 1,000th anniversary of the city


The Schlossgemeinde Nordkirchen is celebrating its birthday and our popular Alltagsmenschen are there! Of course, the festively set summer table in the middle of the castle park should not be missing on this special occasion  

Exhibition and position of the Alltagsmenschen |
Nordkirchen 2022


Everyday people north churches

From April 9th ​​to October 16th, 2022, the Alltagsmenschen will celebrate the 1,000th anniversary of the town of Nordkirchen, located in the Münsterland. During this time, the castle community with its castle park and the adjacent municipalities of Cappele and Südkirchen are transformed into an open-air exhibition of a very special kind.


More than 50 Lechner sculptures, which can be seen at 15 different locations, invite you to take a city or bike tour.


The two artists Christel and Laura Lechner stage the visual axes of the city through their everyday people with sometimes surprisingly new perspectives.

The baroque castle park
in Nordkirchen

In the Palace and Park of the “Westphalian Versailles” you will find four installations of the Alltagsmenschen from April to October 2022.

You will find more everyday people on your walk through the city centre of Nordkirchen, who invite you to smile.

Of course, in the adjoining districts of Capelle and Südkirchen the Alltagsmenschen with a total of two locations must not be missing!

Please download the complete flyer for your city tour through Nordkirchen, Capelle and Südkirchen here:

Ausschnitt der "Geburtstagstafel" Alltagsmenschen Installation in Nordkirchen 2022
Alltagsmenschen Rallye nicht nur für Kinder in Nordkirchen 2022

Kinder Rallye Nordkirchen

Wie gut kennen Sie und Ihre Kinder sich mit den Alltagsmenschen aus?


Wir sind sehr stolz, dass die Touri Info Nordkirchen eigens für die kleinen Besucher eine Rallye der extra Klasse konzipiert hat!

Familien, große und kleine Kinder können während dieser Rallye die Alltagsmenschen noch einmal ganz neu entdecken und verschiedene Fragen zu den Lechner Skulpturen beantworten. 

Wer am Ende alle Fragen richtig beantwortet hat, wird natürlich belohnt! An der Tourist Information in der Schloßstraße 11 in Nordkirchen können sich alle Rätselfreunde ihre Überraschung abholen.

Den Vordruck für die Kinderrallye gibt es kostenfrei in der Tourist Information Nordkirchen oder direkt hier zum download: 

Interactive map of Nordkirchen with the position of all Alltagsmenschen

Have you already visited the Alltagsmenschen in Celle? Feel free to send us pictures of the red sofa, the nuns or the swimming tire man!


We look forward to showing you your very own everyday moment here on our website!

Christel and Laura Lechner -
the artists behind the Alltagsmenschen

Laura und Christel Lechner

Find out more about the artists Christel Lechner and Laura Lechner as well as the Lechnerhof Atelier - the home of all Alltagsmenschen.

Pictures of the Alltagsmenschen from Nordkirchen

Your pictures of the concrete figures are missing in the gallery? Please send us your #AlltagsmenschenMomente from Nordkirchen by email to so that we can show them here. We look forward to your experiences!

Nahaufnahme Waschfrau aus der Alltagsmenschen Ausstellung 2022 Nordkirchen

Mrs. Nicole M.

The Alltagsmenschen are always a wonderful enrichment for Mosbach and they conjure up a smile on your face with their cheerful charisma.

Nahaufnahme Betonfigur aus der Alltagsmenschen Installation "Berliner Paar"

Mrs. Ursula B.

2 weeks ago I visited your Alltagsmenschen in Mosbach and I am absolutely thrilled. Believe me, my camera did not stand still!!

Cowboy Alltagsmensch von Laura und Christel Lechner

Mr. Martin P.

The joy that you conjured up on the faces of all of us with your sculptures will hopefully return to you.

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